Seminars in post partum and female health are also coming up soon! For Post Partum Rehabilitation, please press here.
On this page information on upcoming workshops and retreats will be published.
At this time we've launched workshops of yoga and breathwork, as well as both online webinars and seminars in "easy anti aging living", or in more technical therms "the physiology of aging simplified" - the key to understanding the principles of revitalizing medicine and thereby being better equipped to optimize one's health.
Dates for new seminars are updated regularly here. Online webinars can be found here.
Although my main focus is revitalizing medicine and functional medicine consultations, I am on a general basis interested in improving health mesaures in all areas. Above a certain age most people experience health issues such as back aches, and/or other skeletomuscular pains. I am working with, what in Norway is still quite unfamiliar, an impressively effective new technology. Thanks to the ability of this machine to reach deeper into the tissues and stimulates regeneration of tisular cells, it does incredible wonders on sore and even inflamed muscles as well as heals even old injuries and restores function faster (scientifically proven).
It also has a feature that does equal wonders on the skin, both facial and body, by regeneration and tightening of the skin.
My concept within the realm of health involves seeking optimal function "from whithin" (read more below on the methods I work with). At a certain age many experience pains, aches and/or other health complaints in different forms and magnitudes. We all measure wellbeing according to our own set of values and pain threshold, and these are as unique and individual as we all are. WHO defines "health" as: "(..) a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity". I seek to restore YOUR unique body back to its optimal state, with optimal function in all areas as well as optimal energy level.
I believe that there are "many ways that lead to Rome". My list of potential solutions to various health issues is a quite short one. The methods and products I have chosen to continue to work with throughout the years are, in my experience, very efficient and reliable. Some even quite incredible, to be honest!
Here's a quick summary of some of the services I offer:
As for seeking optimal function physiologically speaking, my main "tools" are nutrition, supplements, tailored work out, methods to rebalance the nervous system for when stress is a factor, detox for when the state of the organism so requires, to mention some. I thrive to obtain the best possible outcome for my patiens, and have a network of highly skilled and experienced therapists for when your individual health situation would require other methods. Or; riktig lut for kluten, as we say in Norway. I have also for about a decade been working with many different providers of supplements, and have through "trial and error" found what I consider to be extraordinarily good products. All methods and products have been tested by myself for quality assurance.
Please do contact me by email or by phone for more information or to book an appointment.
*The technology I use in the type of treatment mentioned above, has been shown to "substantially improve healing and regeneration of chronic injuries, often achieving complete closure of wounds that had failed to respond to other treatments". Also, on a tissue level, it has been reported to "improve blood flow, increase elasticity of damaged tissues and reduce oedema". In addition to the above mentioned, it enhances circulation and drainage, increases metabolism and prevents and reduces storage of fat. It has also been found to stimulate regeneration of tissues and improve immune function.
Clinical studies have also shown that this technology "accelerates injury recovery by a general reduction of the extension of the damaged area, anti-inflammatory processes, analgesia (pain relief), as well as recovery of muscle function".
**Many have heard of the use of "stem cells" in regenerative medicine. The reason for this is their potential for self-renewal and for their role in inflammatory and immune response during injury repair.
The same technology mentioned above has been found to stimulate proliferation of these "stem cells" (MSC Mesenchymal Stem Cells). In plain English this means that the body's own regenerative mechanisms are stimulated, and thereby enhanced, rendering an "anti aging-" effect on the tissues. In case of injury or damage the same effect would enhance the healing in situations of inflammation and injury repair.